In the second installment of our “Birth of a Brewery” series, we catch up with David Aiken, founder of Checkerhead Brewery, as he continues his exciting journey toward launching his Vancouver Island-based microbrewery. David, a former professional juggler and comedian, is crafting his dream of opening a lifestyle brewery that blends his passion for brewing with his love of performance and community.
In this episode, David updates us on the progress of Checkerhead Brewery, from the installation of key brewing equipment to the unexpected delays caused by supply issues. He discusses the challenges of building a brewery from the ground up, including learning curves with contractors and navigating government regulations. Despite some setbacks, David remains optimistic and excited about his upcoming April 1st “open house,” where he plans to invite locals to preview the space before the official opening later this year.
We also dive into his unique approach to creating a brewery that offers more than just beer, from designing custom flight boards shaped like juggling clubs to using homegrown ingredients like hops and red currants. David’s vision is to create a space that brings people together, offering them not only great beer but a memorable experience that reflects his creative background.
Whether you’re interested in the nuts and bolts of starting a brewery or love hearing about creative entrepreneurship, this episode offers a behind-the-scenes look at the ups and downs of turning a dream into reality. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share if you enjoyed this episode!
The first sessions where we talk about David's background as a juggler and his vision for the brewery is also available